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It is in wandering where one discovers their true self...

a blissful moment at the Contance Ephelia in Seychelles
The famous "Follow that Dream" sign in Tulum, Mexico

Don't wait for life to happen, make life happen!

Don't let life pass you by -- take control and manifest those dreams into reality. Whether you envision exploring exotic destinations, immersing yourself in different cultures, or simply seeking adventure, there's no better time than now to plan


Stop delaying and putting off another opportunity.  Just pack your suitcase and go.  If there’s one big takeaway from the recent global crisis that we all went through, is that the here and now is more important than a tomorrow that is never promised.  Life is short and fragile.  Seize the moment, stop with the buts and what ifs and move towards realizing the adventures you've been dreaming for so long.


Start ticking off those items on that bucket list  -- snorkel in the great barrier reef, climb Mount Kilimanjaro, take a safari tour in Africa, go zip lining at Costa Rica, see the Pyramids in Egypt, watch the northern lights in Iceland, sail the Arctic Seas, go bungee jumping in New Zealand, indulge in a vacation of a lifetime at the Maldives... because there may not be another opportunity again.

How you choose to travel or the number of miles associated to the trip is inconsequential.  What you gain from the experience and the priceless memories you collect are the real value of a journey.  So, whether you soar through the skies, sail through the ocean, ride on the rails, drive down winding roads or simply venture by foot, never forget to live the moment and embrace the experience. 


The content  shared on this website is a sole reflection of my personal opinions, experiences and perspectives and may not always be relevant or applicable to everyone.   While I strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, I make no guarantees  or representations on the accuracy, validity, suitability, availability or reliability of the details presented.  I encourage everyone to use their own judgement whenever and wherever necessary.  Thank you for dropping by.

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